samedi 6 juillet 2013

Cellulite Reduction Business!

Make Money With Your Own, Non-Surgical

Cellulite Reduction Business!

Are you in the day spa, massage, or any holistic healthcare themed business and are looking for ways to add additional revenue?
Let me share with you one that I have found success with-- the non-surgical cellulite reduction business. The reason why this niche is so promising is that, first of all, it deals with a highly motivated market willing to pay good money for it (see the images to follow for proof). The second reason is that, unlike botox and liposuction businesses you don't need to be a doctor or nurse to do the procedure! The procedure is generally safe, comfortable, and low-risk to the client.
I started offering non-surgical cellulite reduction treatment since 2004, and it has been profitable every month since. It's a great cash-based business that anyone can start, and I want to show you how to replicate my success.
This is not a $19.99 cellulite cream product we're talking about here. This is a high-end, FDA approved cellulite reduction machine called the LPG Integral (formerly CelluM6 Keymodule). It has a long track record and a strong presence in the beauty and cosmetic industry. Famous celebrities use it all the time. It has been mentioned and continues to be referenced in popular womens magazines like Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire and Womens Fitness. What this means is that you get some serious advertising, at no cost to you!
But let's back up for a moment: You might be wondering, "why the cellulite reduction business?"

The Beauty Industry Will Never Die

Vanity is here to stay. The need to look good is an entrenched primitive emotion, relentlessly enforced in the media. Using youthful, attractive, energetic models to promote a product or service is one of the oldest marketing tricks in the books, because it works!
The media programs peoples' subconscious mind to believe that youthfulness is a desirable goal. Weight loss programs, hair replacement, wrinkle creams, plastic surgery, and anti-aging supplements are there to meet the market demand.
Entrepreneurs are trying everything under the sun. Heck, just recently I saw a TV commercial selling an under shirt girdle for pot-bellied men that gives them the abs of Batman--and yes, they sell like hotcakes!
What makes the beauty and cosmetic industry so durable and recession-proof is that business owners in this industry essentially get round-the-clock, free mass media advertising.
Messages of beauty, fitness and vitality permeate throughout our society, in all forms of media: print, TV, internet, radio, and live promotion. There is a positive correlation between beauty and success, and people want it.
Beauty-themed reality shows like Extreme Makeover and The Swan are the ultimate form of free advertising for the beauty industry.
Basically, beauty sells itself.

Introducing Endermologie:
An Ideal Cosmetic Business to Start

Cellulite is one of the Big Three cosmetic concerns of many women, along with weight and facial skin/wrinkles. It's a challenge to fix because it involves fat, hormones, connective tissue, microcirculation, and genetics.
Many women opt for liposuction to thin pockets of fat from the stomach, back, and hips; however this targets deeper fat layers, leaving cellulite (subcutaneous fat) intact. Many other women refuse to do something as drastic as surgery to make cellulite look better.
As most women already know, exercise and diet by itself will not get rid of cellulite. This is because besides fat it involves contracted collagen fibers (which cause the "pits" of cellulite).
But what if there was a treatment that didn't involve surgery, and targeted the right fat, collagen and microcirculation to help smooth out cellulite? Well, that treatment exists!
Endermologie is the answer. Endermologie originated in the mid-1980s when a French engineer who was getting manual massage to loosen his burned and contracted skin noticed how difficult it was on the nurse's hands. He took it upon himself to design a machine that could mimic the actions of pulling and rolling. To make a long story short, it resulted in the CelluM6 Keymodule machine-- a technologically advanced machine that uses variable speed and direction rollers combined with variable suction to "mechanize" the dermis.
Patients noticed that the treatment resulted in smoother skin, so research was done to determine if it could help with cellulite, lymphatic insufficiency, and delayed onset muscle syndrome. Several research studies discovered that the treatment did in fact result in biological changes that benefitted the skin and circulation. Before long, protocols were developed exclusively for reducing the bumpy appearance of cellulite, and Endermologie was born.
Backed up by research, Endermologie became the first non-surgical cellulite reduction procedure to get FDA approval to make this claim. The machine has recently gone through major improvements in design and functionality and is now known as the Integral and EndermoLab.

Endermologie is a Natural Choice for a Business

Not only is the Integral great for improving the appearance of cellulite, it does an amazing lymphatic drainage massage and myofascial release massage.
Use it to treat people who complain of cold hands and feet; poor circulation, post-operative swelling in the limbs, lymphatic insufficiency, back stiffness, scar tissue, adhesions, and fibrosis. If you're in a town where golf is popular, you can target golfers and help them improve their driving range by focusing on their upper back and shoulder muscles.

It's great for reducing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) in the legs of cyclists and runners. The machine has different settings in which the suction, suction pattern, roller speed and roller direction can be adjusted individually to achieve a specific goal. On top of that, there are numerous maneuvers that can be done with the treatment head to enhance the therapeutic or cosmetic effect.

Get Serious CASH INJECTION With Prepaid Endermologie Packages...

In the cosmetic industry, pre-paid packages are standard fare. Spas give discounts if you pre-pay packages of facials, pedicures, hair removal, skin lightening, nail coloring, and so on. In my Endermologie business it is the CLIENT who voluntarily asks if we give discounts on pre-paid packages. As a result, I get pre-pays like these:
Most people are used to pre-paying for their cosmetic services because they know that they'll be coming back later, and they want to get discounted rates for doing so.
To the dismay of health care professionals, people are more willing to spend on their appearance rather than to improve their health due to the strong attachment to the external traits of beauty, youth, and vitality. This is simply human nature, and there is really nothing wrong with it.
So my advice to you is, understand that there is a big, resilient market for beauty services and cash in on it yourself. Don't fight it. Give the customer what she's looking for and create a win-win.
Here's more proof of the popularity and demand of Endermologie:
and more...
And it's not all credit cards-- some clients (ones that have good financial discipline) pay for packages with cash. Many clients use personal checks as well, which is next best as it saves processing fees.
And it doesn't stop there. Many clients, after completing a 12-session package, re-up for another twelve (12).Like most cosmetic procedures, there is a maintenance component to Endermologie; after all the body is constantly changing. Clients understand this. They either pre-pay for another package, or pay per visit once or twice a month (my rate is $79 per session; I know places that charge $120 per session). Can you see the potential of this, and how it can boost your business?
Which brings us to the next topic:

How YOU can create an
Endermologie CASH MACHINE, too

After I bought my first machine in 2003, it took me a while to get things right. I didn't have a canned script, wasn't sure how to answer some questions the clients had, experimented with many price structures, and played around with different ways to pay the staff (Hourly? Per Session? Employee vs. Independent Contractor? Bonus?). But even back then we'd have days of ten 35-minute Endermologie appointments back to back. If I knew back then what I know now, I'd be much richer. But there's nothing like experience to fine-tune business procedures.
Today, I can say with confidence that I am a "10th degree black belt" in Endermologie marketing by virtue of treating hundreds of clients since 2004 and trying different marketing approaches.
I would like to offer this knowledge to you so that you can duplicate my methods and hopefully experience the same or even better level of success!
Introducing my comprehensive business manual,

Endermologie Cash Machine:
How to Start an Endermologie Business from Scratch

In this business manual, you will discover all my secrets to start a cellulite reduction business, a lymphatic drainage business, and sports massage business all in one so that you can start profiting and growing in no time flat!
You will get:
The manual itself is highly condensed with specific, actionable information that will "turn on some light bulbs" in your head. It will save you months of time trying to figure things out yourself and save you money by revealing things that work, and things that don't.
Even if you are a pretty good business visionary, if you haven't walked down this path like I have, you are not going to know everything that's going to come up. But after consuming this business manual, it will be as though you've been doing Endermologie for years like me!
Here's what you'll learn:
This is essentially an instructional manual containing everything you need to know to start and operate a successful Endermologie BUSINESS. Follow the steps and you can't lose.
Offering a service to a super-motivated market looking for what you have
Low to non-existent competition: be one of the first in your area and dominate your market!
Get a constant stream of post-liposuction referrals from local plastic surgeons
Expandable to include the lymphatic drainage and sports massage markets
Penetrate the runner, cyclist and triathlete market in your area and get endless referrals
Easily scalable: Get a second machine and/or open a second location and double your revenue!
You can own the business and hire an hourly-wage technician to run it for you, making you money while you're on the golf course!
The above benefits are not dreams-- they can be a reality for you, and not too long in the future!
How much would you pay for the knowledge to make this all happen?
In coming up with a price for this comprehensive Endermologie business start-up manual, I contemplated all the time and money I spent over six years perfecting the Endermologie technique and tweaking the consultation script to the point where it now has a 90%+ close rate. Here's what I got:
Money spent and lost during implementation phase*$3,500
Hours spent perfecting Endermologie technique1,200 hrs
Hours spent brainstorming Endermologie marketing2,300 hrs
Hours spent refining Endermologie script to perfection800 hrs
Rough Estimate in Dollars Creating the Business:    
*includes lost sales due to mistakes and "lessons learned"
The figure I finally came up with is $1,995.00. It's a small investment that can pay for itself in the FIRST MONTH if you do things exactly as laid out in the guide.
Remember, the Endermologie client is a highly motivated person who is already thinking of ways to pay you before you even get to the consultation. You just have to know the right things to say, and how to answer certain questions to lead the client to a "Yes."
However, great news: it won't cost you nearly that much. I have decided to choose a price point that will enable most people who are SERIOUS about starting an Endermologie business get the guide. We are living in tough economic times, so I chose to reflect some relief in the pricing.
For only a small investment of $1,995 $197, you will have all the information you need to start and operate a profitable Endermologie business. All you need to do is learn the steps, execute them, be persistent, and stay positive. When you make your first sale, which should not take long, it is all downhill from there-- the sky's the limit!
This is a downloadable (e-format), comprehensive Endermologiebusiness manual that will show you, from start to finish how to run a successful Endermologie center (a hard copy version is available at an extra cost).
The business manual comes with a training video of a liveEndermologie consultation--the same format responsible for generating those $500, $800 and $1,000 prepays you see above.
It also comes with a highly detailed video of advanced Endermologie techniques. Watch this video a couple of times, practice with your own machine, and before you know it, you will possess a new, income-producing skill!
And, you'll get a short but very useful video of the room in my clinic that I designated as my Endermologie center. Copy the look and feel in your office, and you'll be on your way cranking out some serious cash.
As a bonus, you'll get all the forms and handouts I use to promote my Endermologie business (editable Word documents so you can add your name), as well as a Marketing Manual including a comprehensive, 75 page Internet Marketing ebook (which itself sells for $97); the exact email autoresponder messages I use, and many other useful marketing materials.
After successful purchase, you'll be instantly taken to the secret webpage where you can download your materials onto your own computer.

So, for the cost of about three Endermologie sessions, you can acquire the same knowledge on creating and running an Endermologie center that took me over five years and over $10,000 in testing to master!

Re-invest the extra money you will make into your existing business, use it for vacations, or use it to fund your retirement account. It's all up to you!

P.S. For those in the spa, cosmetic, or bodywork industries, you've already got a leg-up on those who are not, by virtue of your experience and client list. You are leaving money on the table if you don't offer Endermologie in your business!

Note: Payment is through ClickBank Market Place, a digital goods store.

Good Luck!